Murph's Gym is an open plan, 4,000 sq ft facility offering personal training and gym memberships. We pride ourselves on our friendly atmosphere and highly educated personal training team. We strive to keep our equipment updated, cleaned and serviced so that you can fully enjoy your training experience.
- Open 24/7
- Two dedicated deadlift stations
- Five dedicated squat racks
- Dumbbells up to 150lbs
- Turf and Sled
- Various cardio equipment including Assault Bike, Rowers, Treadmills, Stairmaster, Elliptical
- And much more!
Membership Options
Month to Month: $60/ month. Membership automatically renews every month, until notice of termination is given.
Fixed Term: $60/ month. Membership is active for a set-period (ex. 3 months), unless notice of continuation is given.
Please contact us to arrange a tour of the facility and to obtain a Membership Agreement.